2024 CEC Racial Justice Grant

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The Council for Exceptional Children’s Racial Justice Grant encourages and supports work focused on addressing the issues related to the ongoing racial disparities in educational experiences, opportunities, and outcomes for individuals with disabilities from minoritized racial groups. Grants up to $1,000 are awarded to CEC members for initiatives engaging practitioners, children/youth, families, or other stakeholders in support of students with disabilities from minoritized racial groups Examples include, but are not limited to:

  • Developing Professional Learning Communities related to intersections of race and disability in direct support of students with disabilities 
  • Professional development or mentoring programs centered on retention of diverse P-12 educators 
  • Culturally responsive interventions directly serving students with disabilities from minoritized racial groups.
  • Advocacy and community-based initiatives serving students with disabilities from minoritized racial groups

Awardees may be invited to present outcomes of the activity at a CEC conference or professional development event.

Proposals must meet the following requirements to be considered:

  • The applicants(s) must be individual members of CEC at the time of application and not organizations, community groups, schools, CEC Divisions, Units, Chapters, etc.) 
  • A Racial Justice Grant award cannot have been awarded to the applicant(s) in the past three years;
  • Award recipients must submit a post-activity report of the project within three months of the completion of the project (format at recipient’s discretion);
  • Funding may be used to purchase non-consumable supplies/materials, speaker honorariums, or other event costs; 
  • Funds may not be used for travel, planner stipends, research participation fees, or food;
  • No indirect costs may be taken by the host institution;
  • Priority will be given to projects that have other partners aligned to support the work (school/community groups, Divisions/Units, partner organizations, etc.).

Review Criteria

Proposals will be reviewed and ranked using the following criteria. It is the responsibility of the individual submitting to ensure these elements are included in the proposal.

  • Impact of the activity (number of individuals affected);
  • Relevance of content/goals addressed;
  • Appropriateness of the budget;
  • Feasibility of completing the project within the timeline provided (12 month maximum). 

Please review CEC's Policy on AI usage for awards and grants before submitting - CEC Awards and Programs | Council for Exceptional Children


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